Qemu and Samba

I use Samba to share files between my host and guest system in Qemu. Reading files on the host worked from the beginning, without problems. Writing not. Solution: Simply set the access permissions for the folder to 777. Is my Continue Reading …

Spellchecking in vim

Sometimes I write texts in vim that I later typeset in Scribus. I therefore use spell checking in vim. To activate spell checking in German language the following command is used. For other languages change the language code. :set spell Continue Reading …

I ♥ Free Software

If you are a developer of Free Software, a user or just care about it: “Thank You!” Special Thank goes to the developers of Linux Kernel, Ubuntu, Gnome, Xfce, Gimp, Gnome-Do, GNU-Cash, KeepassX, TrueCrypt, Scribus, Banshee, VLC Player, Firefox, Thunderbird, Continue Reading …